Other than searching a particular product from the list, if you wish to view the details of a meticulous product from the entire product list, then simply click on the view icon, which is located at right hand corner of each and every product available in the list.


When you click on the given icon, a page appears that have a lot of details about your selected product. This page include seven different detailed tabs that include Product details, Product images, Placement, Default price, Quality, Inventory and Accounts.

Product details: To view the essential details of the product, click on “Product Detail” tab. When you click on “Product Detail” tab, you can view the essential details of the product such as:-

1) Name of the product

2) Code of the product

3) Category in which the product is placed

4) Sub category of the main category of product

5) The product will be displayed on purchase orders and sales orders

6) Unit of the product

7) Excise tax applied on that particular product or not

8) Alternate unit of the product

9) Dimensions of the alternate unit

10) Short and long description of the product

11) Dimension of the product

12) Product barcode

13) Color of the product

14) Type of the product

15) Product dimensions

16) Weight of the product

17) By whom the particular product is created and modified

18) Date at which the product is created and modified in the system