Easy & Faster Implementation

Installing ERP software means a difficult learning process, installation costs and hours on the phone with customer support. That is no longer the case! GoERPBaby is hosted software. This means that all software is supported and maintained by our developers. There is no set-up on your end and we provide full training for you and your staff!


Automate Business Activities

GoERPBaby integrate pertinent data and software systems for businesses so that employees, regardless of department, can access the information they need to do their jobs. It involves the formation of a central database that works as a repository for information originating in different parts of the business.


Minimum Hardware Requirements

Save money and keep your current hardware! GoERPBaby is compatible with most hardware, allowing you to reduce unnecessary costs of replacing your current system. It works with touch screen terminals, desktops/laptops and even tablets like the iPad!


Mobile Accessibility

On the move? Take GoERPBaby with you! Since the software is cloud-based, GoERPBaby allows you to access company information from any device/location with internet access. Access your sales data, update pricing or make internal changes anywhere and anytime!