All Sales Documents

Sales documents are the documents that represent business transactions in the sales department. Sales documents comprise quotation; inquiry; sales order; outline agreements such as scheduling agreements and contracts, returns, debit, and credit requests. If you wish to view all the sales documents of your organization, then click on “Sales Documents” Option available in the drop-down […]

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Search a Particular Sales Document

From the entire list of sales document, to search a particular document with a document number or with the name of the customer, then use the “Search” part. Simply select the desired category from the drop down list and enter the search key, then click on “Search” button. After clicking on “Search” button, you get […]

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Expand Search

If you do not get the document you are searching for and wish to search with additional details, then click on “Expand Search” Option located at right side of Search part. When you click on “Expand Search” Option, two more options appear: From the first option you can select the type of the record such […]

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View Details of Sales Document

From the list, if you wish to see the details of the particular document then click on the first icon available at the right hand corner of every document available in the list. After clicking on the given icon, a screen appears in front of you that shows you the essential details of the particular […]

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Edit Details of Sales Document

In addition to view the details of the particular document, if you want to edit the details of the particular document, then click on the second icon located at the right corner of every document and in the action category. After you click on the given icon, a screen appears that facilitate you to change […]

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Delete Sales Document

Other than to view and edit the details of a particular sales document, if you want to delete the particular document from the entire list, then click on the third icon available at the right corner of every document and in the category of Action. After you select this given icon, an alert message comes […]

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