Redeem History

To view the redeem history of the referrals, click on “Redeem History” option, located in the drop down list of the Referral Category. After you click on the “Redeem History” Option, a page appears in front of you that shows you the list of all redeems taken by the referral. The redeem history list contains […]

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Search Redeem History

If you want to search the redeem history of a particular referral from the entire list, then insert the name of the referral in the section above the list and click on “Search” Option. After clicking on “Search” button, get the redeem history you are looking for.

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Expand Search

Over and above this, if you want to search the redeem history of the referral by the date on which it is created, then Click on “Expand Search” Option available near the search option. When you click on the “Expand Search” Option, an option appear that help you in choosing the date at which the […]

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