List Quality Control

To view the entire reports of quality control in the system, simply click on “List Quality Control” Option available in the left hand side panel. When you click on “List Quality Control” Option, a new page appears on your screen that contains a list of entire quality test reports available in the system.  

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Search a Particular Report

From the entire list of test reports, if you wish to search a particular report then make use of search column available above the list of reports. With the help of search column, you can search the report with Document number as well as QC number. Just write the search key in the box and […]

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Expand Search

But still you want to further expand your search with additional search parameters, then you can make use of “Expand Search” option, available next to the search column. When you click on “Expand Search” Option, some additional search keys appears on your screen that facilitates you in searching a report with additional search parameters. From […]

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View Details of Report

Other than searching, if you wish to view the details of a particular test report from the list of all reports then click on the view icon, available at the right corner of every test report. When you click on the view icon, the system will display you the details of the report you selected. […]

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Edit Details of Report

If you want to edit the details of any particular test report, then click on the edit icon, available at the right corner of every test report. When you click on edit icon, a new page appears on your screen that helps you in editing the details of the selected test report. After editing the […]

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