All Purchase Documents

Purchase Documents are the commercial documents issued by the buyers to the sellers that indicates type, quantity, and agreed rate for services or products. If any organization purchase any products from vendors then purchase order need to create for the product with price. If you wish to view the entire list of the purchase documents, […]

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Search a Particular Purchase Document

If you want to search a particular purchase document from the whole list of documents, then you can make use of search column located at the left top corner of the purchase document list. From the drop-down list, select the search key by which you want to search the purchase document and write the desired […]

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Expand Search

But still, you want to elaborate your search by additional options, then click on “Expand Search” option that help you in searching the document with additional options. When you click on “Expand Search” option, some additional options appear in front of you, one is the drop down list of type of the record, and other […]

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View Details of Purchase Document

Other than to search the particular document, if you want to view the details of the particular purchase document from the entire list, then click on the view icon, which is located at the right hand side corner of each and every purchase document list. When you click on the given icon, a page appears […]

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Export CSV

In addition to this, if you want to download the entire list of the purchase documents, then click on “Export CSV” located above the given list. When you click on this option, the list of all purchase documents will be downloaded in your system.

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