Product Details

Other than searching a particular product from the list, if you wish to view the details of a meticulous product from the entire product list, then simply click on the view icon, which is located at right hand corner of each and every product available in the list. When you click on the given icon, […]

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Product Images

To view the actual image of the product you selected, click on “Product Images” tab. When you click on the tab, an image with the product name appears in front of you. If you want to see the image closely, then click on the particular image to view the zoom view of the image.

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To view the placement of the product, click on “Placement” tab. For example, if you have different warehouses and wish to view on which warehouses at which block this particular product placed, then this tab will help you by showing all the warehouses where the product you selected exist. When you click on this tab, […]

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Default Price

To view the price list of a particular product selected by you, click on “Default Price” tab. When you click on this tab, a page appears that shows you details of the price list such as the currency in which you deal, main price list and price list of some discounts or offers. The details […]

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To view the details of the quality test of the product, click on “Quality” tab. When you click on this tab, a page appears that contains the parameters of the test, method of the test and specified value of the quality test.

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If you wish to view how many quantity of the particular product is available in your inventory, then make use of “Inventory” tab. When you click on “Inventory” Option, a new page appears on your screen that contains the details of product available in your inventory.

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To view the accounts of your product, click on “Accounts” tab. After clicking, you get the details of the account of your product.

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