Product List

After creating a product, if you want to view the entire products of your organization that are available in the system, then simply click on “Product List” Option located in the drop-down list of the Products Section. When you click on “Product List” Option, a page appears in front of you that shows you the […]

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Search Product

From the entire list of products, if you want to search a particular product with some search keys, then make use of search column available above the list of the products. To search a particular product, select the search key from the drop-down list.   After selecting the search key, write that search key in […]

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Expand Search

But still you are not satisfied with the searches and wish to search the product with additional search parameters, then make use of “Expand Search” Option. When you click on “Expand Search” Option, five new search keys or columns appear in front of you that includes:- Main category: – Category of the particular product in […]

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Delete Product

Over and above viewing and editing the details of the products in the list, if you wish to delete any meticulous product from the entire list of products, then click on the delete icon, located at right hand corner of every product in the list. When you click on the above icon, an alert messages […]

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Copy Product Details

If you want to create a new product in the list and the details of that product is as similar to the product that is already exist in your list, then click on the copy icon, located at the right hand corner of every product in the list. When you click on this above icon, […]

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