Create New Category

To create a new category of the products, click on “Create New” option, located at the left hand side tool bar on the “Product Category List” Page. This option helps you in adding the new categories. When you click on “Create New” Option, a new screen appears that aid you in adding new details of […]

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Product Category List

To view the entire categories of the products, click on “Product category list” Option available in the drop-down list of Product Section. When you click on “Product category list” Option, a page appears that shows you the list of entire categories of the products created by you.

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Search a Particular Category

You can also search the particular product from the entire list with the help of Search option available above the list of categories. To search you have to select the Main category of the product Parent category of the main category Date at which the category is created in the system By whom the category […]

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View Details of Category

Other than searching a single category, if you wish to view the details of the particular category from the entire list, then click on the view icon, which is located at the right hand corner of each and every category. When you click on the edit icon, a new page appears that contains all the […]

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Edit Details of Category

After viewing the details of the category, if you wish to edit the details of the category then simply click on the edit icon that will help you in editing the details. When you click on the given icon, a screen appears that help you in editing the details such as:- Edit the name of […]

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Delete Category

To delete a particular category from the list of categories, click on the delete icon that assist you in removing the category from the system. When you click on this icon, an alert message comes to your screen that ask you “Delete this screen?” If you click “OK” then the category is removed from the […]

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