Finance Records

To view all the financial transactions of your business whether it is with vendors or with customers, simply click on “Finance Records” Option located in the drop-down list of the Finance Category/ Module. When you click on “Finance Records” Option, an entire list of finance records appear in front of you with some essential details […]

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Search a Particular Record

To search a particular record from the entire list of record, you can make use of Search column located above the list of finance records. You just have to select the desired search key from the drop-down list (which contains Customer or Vendor). For example, if you only wish to view the transaction history of […]

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Expand Search

But if you still want to search further with some additional search keys, then click on “Expand Search” Option available next to the given search keys. When you click on “Expand Search” Option, two new lists appear that help you in selecting the type of the finance record and date at which the record is […]

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View Details of Record

In addition to search the record from the list, if you want to view a particular record in the detailed manner, then simply click on the view icon, located at every record available in the list. When you click on this icon, a new page appears in front of you that contains all the essential […]

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