Create New Tax

Taxes feature assist you in adding the entire taxes you pay or collect from your vendors and customers. For example, if you want to add Service tax, then simply add the name and percent of the tax with this feature. Once, you add the tax, you can also edit and delete the particular tax from […]

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All Taxes

If you wish to view all the taxes applied at the products, click on “All Taxes” Option, located at the left hand side bar of the Taxes Category. When you click on “All Taxes” Option, a new screen appears that contains the list of entire taxes with some details available in the system. The details […]

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View Details of Taxes

From the entire list of the taxes, if you wish to view the details of a particular tax, then click on the view icon, located at the right hand corner of each and every tax available in the list of taxes. When you click on this icon, a new page appears that provide you some […]

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Edit Details of Taxes

To edit the details of the selected tax, click on the edit icon, located at the right hand corner of every tax in the list. When you click on this icon, a page appears that facilitate you in editing the details of the existing tax. After editing all the details, if you want to update […]

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Delete Tax

If you want to delete a particular tax from the entire list of taxes, then click on the delete icon, located at the right hand corner of the list that you want to remove. When you click on the given icon, an alert message comes to your screen that ask you “Delete the record?” If […]

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