Create New Extra Charge

All the extra charge you get from the customers can be added in the list with the help of all extra charge options of GoERPBaby. In addition, you can further edit and delete the charges added by you. Extra charges are the charges you apply on specific product other than its specific cost. For example, […]

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All Extra Charges

If you wish to view all the extra charges you apply on your products, then click on “All Extra Charge” Option, located at the left hand tool box of the Extra Charge Category. When you click on “All Extra Charge” Option, a new screen appears that contains the list of entire extra charges with some […]

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Edit Details of Extra Charge

To edit the details of the selected text template, click on the edit icon, located at the right hand corner of every charge in the list. When you click on this icon, a page appears that facilitate you in editing the details of the existing charge. After editing all the details, if you want to […]

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Delete the Extra Charge

If you want to delete a particular charge from the entire list of extra charges, then click on the delete icon, located at the right hand corner of the charge that you want to remove. When you click on the given icon, an alert message comes to your screen that ask you “Delete the record?” […]

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