All Delivery

To view the list of delivery of products to your customers, you can us “All Delivery” option. With the help of this option, you can view the entire list deliveries made by you to your customers. The list contains some details of the deliveries such:- Date at which the products has been delivered Document number […]

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Search a Particular Delivery

From the entire list, if you want to search a particular delivery with its search keys, then insert the search key and select from the drop down list for further details and click on “Search” button. When you click on “Search” button, a list of deliveries appear that goes well with your search keys.

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Expand Search

Over and above searching with only few search keys, if you want to search a delivery with additional details or search keys, then you can make use of “Expand Search” Option. With this option, you can search the particular delivery with additional details. When you click on “Expand Search” option, a drop-down list appear in […]

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View Details of Delivery

Instead of searching a delivery, if you wish to view the details of a particular delivery then click on the view icon, located at the right hand corner of the delivery you have selected from the entire list. After you click on this icon, a page appears that contains the essential of the delivery you […]

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