Create New User

If a new user joined your organization and you wish to create a record of him/her in the list of users, then click on “Create New” Option available at the left side bar of the Users Page. After you click on “Create New” Option, a new page appears on your screen in which you have […]

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All Users

If you wish to view all the users of your organization at a single place, then click on “All Users” Option available at the left side bar of the Users Page. When you click on “All Users” Option, a list of all the users available in the system appears in front of you with some […]

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Search a Particular User

From the entire list of users, if you want to find a particular user then make use of the search column available above the list of users. To search, first select your desired search key from the drop-down list. After selecting your desired category, write the name of your selected key in the box next […]

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View Details of User

If you wish to view the details of a particular user from the entire list, then click on the view icon, located at right hand side of the user you have selected. When you click on the above icon, a new page appears that contains all the details of the user you have selected, such […]

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Edit Details of User

After viewing the details of the particular user, if you wish to edit the details of the user then simply click on the edit icon, located at the right hand side of the user you have selected. After you click on the given icon, a page appears that facilitate you to edit the details of […]

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Set Access Level of User

Using access level you can define the authority/responsibility or privileges of a user or a role. For example, if you want that a user of finance department of your organization will only operate the modules related to finance, then with the help of this option you can do that. To set the access level of […]

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Set Notification Access Level of User

In addition to set the access level for the particular user, if you want to set the notification access level of the user means for which feature what mail should available for them, then click on the notification icon located at the right hand side of the user selected by you. (For example, you wish […]

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Delete User

If you want to delete the particular user from the list of users, then click on the delete icon, located at right hand side of the user you want to delete. After you click on that icon, an alert message comes to your screen that tell you that if you want to delete the user […]

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