Create New Role

The Role Manager in GoKickSales provides an easy way to assign different roles to team members and include a description of responsibility. You can configure different roles for each team member & define goal which is to be attained for each responsibility.

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Manage All Roles

If you wish to view all the roles of the users available in your organization, then click on “All Role” Option available in the left side bar of the Roles page. When you click on “All Role” Option, a list of all the roles of the users available in the system appears in front of […]

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Search a Particular Role

From the entire list of roles, if you want to find a particular role of users, then make use of the search column available above the list of roles. To search, you have to write the name of the desired title in the box of search column. After writing the name of the role in […]

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Edit Details of Role

If you wish to edit the details of the particular role of users from the entire list of roles, then simply click on the edit icon, located at the right hand side of the role you have selected. After you click on the given icon, a page appears that facilitate you to edit the details […]

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Set Access Level of Role

To set the access level of the particular role in the system click on key icon, located at the right hand corner of the role you selected from the list. (For example, if you want that more than a one user of your organization of particular role will only operate the modules related to specific […]

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Set Notification Access Level of Role

In addition to set the access level for the particular role, if you want to set the notification/mail access level of the role then click on the notification icon located at the right hand side of the role selected by you. (For example, you wish that the entire role only get the notification of the […]

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Delete Role

If you want to delete the particular role from the list of roles, then click on the delete icon, located at right hand side of the role you want to delete. After you click on that icon, an alert message comes to your screen that ask you “Do you really want to delete?” If you […]

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