Sales by Product Summary

The Sales by Product Summary will tell you how many of each item or service you have sold, the total dollar sales, and the profitability of each product or service. To generate the report, select date from to the date of which you want to get the details of sales by particular product of your […]

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Sales by Product Detail

The Sales by Product Detail will show you the sales of each item with a detailed listing of each transaction. To generate the report, select date from to the date of which you want to get the details of sales of product with their details. Click “Run Report” button to get the report of product […]

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Income by Customer Summary

Income by Customer Summary Report will show you your gross profit from each customer. The gross profit for each customer is calculated as the total sales to a customer less the cost of goods sold to that particular customer. To generate the report, select date from to the date of which you want to get […]

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A/R Aging Summary

The A/R Aging Summary Report will let you know how much each of your customers owe. It will also show you how long each customer’s balance has been overdue. To generate the report, select date till you want to get the details of remaining payment or dues of the customers of your business. Click “Run […]

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