All Invoice List

This report contains the list of all invoices available in GoERPBaby. To generate the report, select date from to the date of which you want to get the list of all invoices of your business. Click “Run Report” button to get the report of all invoices of specific time-frame you are looking for.

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Paid Invoice List

Paid Invoice List report is the list of all paid invoices available in GoERPBaby. To generate the report, select date from to the date of which you want to get the list of paid invoices of your business. Click “Run Report” button to get the report of all paid invoices of specific time-frame you are […]

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Unpaid Invoice List

Unpaid Invoice List report is the list of all unpaid invoices available in GoERPBaby. To generate the report, select date from to the date of which you want to get the list of unpaid invoices of your business. Click “Run Report” button to get the report of all unpaid invoices of specific time-frame you are […]

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Sales Return list

Sales return list report contains the list of returned sales orders. To create a report select the date from and to the date of which you want to get the list of sales return. Click “Run Report” button to get the report of all sales return of specific time-frame you are looking for.

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Customer Balance Summary

The Customer Balance Summary Report tells you how much each customer owes you. To generate the report, select date from to the date of which you want to get the summary of customer balance of your business. Click “Run Report” button to get the report of customer balance summary of specific time-frame you are looking […]

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Sales Collection Report

This report lists overdue invoices and statement charges, grouped by customer and job. It also includes customer contact names and phone numbers. To generate the report, select date from to the date of which you want to get the details of collections of your business. Click “Run Report” button to get the report of collections […]

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Transaction List by Customer

The Transactions List by Customer Report gives you the transactions your company had with each of its customers. To generate the report, select date from to the date of which you want to get the details of list of transactions of the customers of your business. Click “Run Report” button to get the report of […]

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Sales by Customer Summary

The Sales by Customer Summary Report will tell you what the total sales for each customer as well as the total sales for each job. To generate the report, select date from to the date of which you want to get the details of sales of the customers of your business. Click “Run Report” button […]

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Sales by Customer Detail

The Sales by Customer Detail Report is similar to the Customer Sales by Summary report discussed above, except that this detailed report breaks down the sales of each item by each transaction. To generate the report, select date from to the date of which you want to get the sales details of the customers of […]

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Transaction List by Date

The Transactions List by Date Report gives you the transactions your company had at some particular dates. To generate the report, select date from to the date of which you want to get the list of transactions by date of your business.  Click “Run Report” button to get the report of list of transactions of […]

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