Company Snapshot

GoERPBaby has a wide variety of built-in reports to show you where your business stands. To access Reports section of accounting, go to “Reports” Section and click on “Accounting Report” Option. Company Snapshot Use Company Snapshot Report to get real-time company information and perform tasks from a single place. To access, click on “Company Snapshot” […]

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Comparative Sales

With Comparative Sales report, one can create a report of the total revenue earned by their organization. To generate the report, select the type means you want report based on cash or accrual, date type and time frame of which you want to get the sales details of your business. Click “Search” button to get […]

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Comparative Purchase

With Comparative Purchase report, one can create a report of the total purchase done by the organization. To generate the report, select the type means you want report based on cash or accrual, date type and time frame of which you want to get the purchase details of your business. Click “Search” button to get […]

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Category wise Sales

Category wise sales report helps in creating a report for the sales for products based on any particular or all categories. To generate the report, select the category, type means you want report based on cash or accrual, date type and time frame of which you want to get the sales details of your business. […]

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Category wise Purchase

Category wise Purchase report helps in creating a report for the purchase for products/material based on any particular or all categories. . To generate the report, select the category, type means you want report based on cash or accrual, date type and time frame of which you want to get the purchase details of your […]

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Product wise Sales

Product wise Sales report enables you to get the information of total sales done by particular products. To generate the report, select the entity type means you want report based on invoice or order, date type, time-frame and select the category of which you want to get the product sales details of your business. Click […]

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Product Wise Purchase

Product wise Sales report enables you to get the information of total purchase done by particular products/materials. To generate the report, select the entity type means you want report based on invoice or order, date type, time-frame and select the category of which you want to get the product purchase details of your business. Click […]

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Top 10 Product Sales

With this report, you can see the top 10 products of your organization that generates higher sales as comparison to all other products. To generate the report, select the entity type means you want report based on invoice or order, date type, time-frame and select the category of which you want to get the product […]

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Top 10 Product Purchase

With this report, you can see the top 10 products of your organization that you purchase more as comparison to all other products. To generate the report, select the entity type means you want report based on invoice or order, date type, time-frame and select the category of which you want to get the product […]

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Least 10 Product Sales

With this report, you can see the top 10 products of your organization that generates least sales as comparison to all other products. To generate the report, select the entity type means you want report based on invoice or order, date type, time-frame and select the category of which you want to get the least […]

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