Account Listing

Use Account Listing Report to get the listing of all the accounts available in GoERPBaby. To access, click on “Account listing” Option available at Reports Page. When you click on this option, a report comes to your screen that contain the list of entire accounts available in GoERPBaby with details that include:- Name of the […]

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Journal Register

This report shows every transaction during an interval of time into credits and debits and sequentially displays them. Select date from to the date of which you want to get the details of transaction. Click “Run Report” button to get the report of your transactions of specific time-frame you are looking for. After clicking “Run […]

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Trial Balance

This report summaries the debit and credit balances of each account on your chart of accounts during a period of time. To generate the report, select date from to the date of which you want to get the details of transaction. Click “Run Report” button to get the report of your transactions of specific time-frame […]

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General Ledger

 This report shows the activity in your accounts over a specific period of time. For each account in your chart of accounts, the report shows all the transactions that occurred in that account. The report covers the current month to date. To generate the report, select date from to the date of which you want […]

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Profit and Loss

This report shows year-to-date transactions for each income and expense account. To generate the report, select date from to the date of which you want to get the details of profits and losses of your business. Click “Run Report” button to get the report of your transactions of specific time-frame you are looking for. In […]

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Balance Sheet

This report is a more detailed version of the standard balance sheet report. For each account, the report shows the starting balance at the beginning of last month, transactions entered in the account for this month to date, and the ending balance as of today. To generate the report, select date from to the date […]

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